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Cloud Computing
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Universites and Medical Research
( continued )
- - - and interpretation by researchers simple and time efficient. More critically as part of the DOX chart note creation process on follow up visits, the provider enters the % improvement, as well as the VAS pain scale rating. This allows detailed data on improvements patients experience using any treatment, surgery or drug. This data is invaluable ! This lends to extremely detailed data on efficacy of treatments and allows researchers to collect this data with the press of a button
Previously the collection process for medical researchers has been painful ! The medical researchers have been required to go onsite to health care provider’s offices and pull paper charts to try to extrapolate information on their topic of interest - diagnoses, treatments, drugs, etc. Then, the researchers have to review extremely unstructured chart notes. Previously the descriptions of conditions can have a broad range. Consistency in descriptions and details collected has been difficult. With the DOX system, the details of all components of the chart are created in the data base, so in the DOX system, all physicians are describing conditions and key details the same way ! From a statistician’s perspective, now the data is extremely structured. There are of course variances in the ways conditions can present, so DOX has “findings fields” that allows the provider to select in the EMR system , the clinical variance they see. From a data perspective, these are data fields that contain the possible variances, so now DOX is accounting for and controlling all variables. Since DOX controls the structure and content of the data and accounts for all variables, the data from the DOX system is pristine data that is all highest quality and statistically significant !
Additionally, for researchers who want to evaluated specific treatments or outcomes, DOX works closely with you ! Our developers can add virtually ANY desired data points in the system with appropriate descriptions, data structure and variables accounted for! Since DOX is web based, all users are operating out of one unified data base. Searches across the data base are simple. This allows researchers to collect all desired data from their office and the push of a button !
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Companies ( continued )
What is the defense for pharmaceutical and medical device companies? DATA. The patented DOX Data collection method collects pristine, structured data that can be presented as overwhelming evidence to support both the efficacy and the safety of a drug or medical device. The sheer volume of data across hundreds of healthcare providers and hundreds of thousands of patients certainly presents stronger statistically significant evidence for any case. DOX can tell you the actual occurrence of MI post use of Vioxx and Bextra ! key data point that was probably difficult to obtain with paper and previous collection methods, is the family history. This critical data point needs to be factored in as well. Patients with family history or MI will of course have higher incidence of MI. Without evaluating this key data element of family history, it is impossible to get an accurate assessment of the real facts of this case. The data shows the incidence of patients who had MI within 18 months post Vioxx and Bextra use with NO Family history of MI is - - - - ( Call us, the data is startling !) Pfizer and Merck were robbed ! Unfortunately, we probably cant bring these drugs or medical devices back, but we can look to the future and use DOX data to prevent these types of incidents in the future !
Let DOX assist your company – call us today to discuss how our data can protect your company and its extremely valuable and beneficial products in the future !
Contact us today for FREE Demo !
Phone: 1 877 270 - 3518
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Insurance Companies (Continued)
Additionally, with DOX EMR system’s automation, patient satisfaction forms can be auto generated by the EMR and sent to the patient portal. Most insurance companies today mail patient satisfaction forms to patients. With the DOX system, this can be completely automated. The form can automatically be sent to the patient portal. Forms with text fields can be built for Patients to complete and returned via secure e-mail. This simplifies the process for everyone. Simpler for patients since they can complete the insurance forma and e-mail back. Much simpler and cost effective for insurance companies. Hard cost of paper, envelopes and postage are simply eliminated. Staff costs to process and send forms as well as staff time to enter responses into your computer system will be greatly reduced ! DOX can send results in x-cel spreadsheets or scv files for your team to simply begin evaluation of data, instantly ! Contact DOX immediately to learn more details of how we can assist you and help you company to reduce costs and increase efficiency in collection of critical data for evaluation !