DOX PA ( Physician Assistant)
DOX PA autogenerates Lab orders, radiology orders, Prescriptions, referral and consult letters ! DOX PA also enables quick review of Medical History, Medications, Allergies and Vitals. Additionally scan and attach critical documents for review such as outside Lab results, Radiology reports and Pathology reports.
Scanning and Attaching
B. Select desired image and attach

B. Select desired image from source and attach - single or multiple pages can be attached with a single command !
Scanning and Attaching
A. Select Source

Scanning and attaching is simple ! DOX enables scanning and attaching from scanners, cameras or images stored on your hard drive.
A. Choose the source for your image
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Phone: 1 877 270 - 3518
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Orders and Prescriptions

Lab orders, radiology orders, Prescriptions are all Autogenerated as part of the simple chart note creation process
Referral Letters

Referral and consult letters are all Autogenerated as part of the simple chart note creation process
Scanning and Attaching
C. View desired image

C. Select and View desired image