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                       ONC Health IT Disclosures and Costs


 The following Disclosures apply to the DOX EMR  EHR system product:

 “This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”


·         Company Name:  DOX EMR

·         Date Certified: 1/31/22

·         Product Name and Version:  DOX EMR  V 5.2

·         Unique certification number :

·         Certification criterion or criteria to which each EHR module has been tested and certified: listed below

·         Clinical quality measures to which an EHR system or EHR module has been tested and certified:  standards CQMs - specific measures listed below.

·         Additional types of costs that a user may be required to pay to implement or use the EHR capabilities, whether to meet meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the health IT's certification.  Additional costs include: Acrendo/ New Crop is utilized and built directly into the application to provide e-RX functionality. EMR Direct is utilized and built directly into the application to provide  Direct messaging. Health Samurai-AidBox is utilized and built directly into the application to provide FHIR (g)(10) functionality. All three of these costs are are subject to change based on the annual negotiated group rate, with each vendor. 

          Additional Software details: additional software the EHR uses to demonstrate its compliance with certification criterion: Acrendo/ New Crop is utilized and built directly into the application to provide e-RX functionality. 

EMR Direct is utilized and built directly into the application to provide Direct messaging functionality.

Health Samurai-AidBox is utilized and built directly into the application to provide FHIR (g)(10) functionality.

Meinberg NTP Dameon is a free ware app built directly into the application to ensure time stamp synchronization across time zones.       

API Transparency Conditions apply to all DOX EMR components and described below.

Regulation text  § 170.404(A)(2):

(2) Transparency conditions—(i) Complete business and technical documentation, including the documentation described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. Additional External API details:


(ii) Terms and conditions—(A) Material information.

 Fees - costs are variable and subject to change based on the annual negotiated group rate, with each vendor

Restrictions - None

Limitations - None

Obligations - None

registration process requirements:

 (1) Needed to develop software applications to interact with the certified API technology;

(2) Needed to distribute, deploy, and enable the use of software applications in production environments that use the certified API technology;

(3) Needed to use software applications, including to access, exchange, and use electronic health information by means of the certified API technology;

(4) Needed to use any electronic health information obtained by means of the certified API technology; (5) Used to verify the authenticity of API Users

(6) Used to register software applications.  

Are all included in the API Link.

(B) API fees for the use of DOX EMR’s certified API technology apply to:

(1) persons or classes of persons to whom the fee applies- Any user

(2) circumstances in which the fee applies – All use

(3) The amount of the fee - costs are variable and subject to change based on the annual negotiated group rate, with each vendor

The above information pertains to DOX EMR V 5.2

** R = Measure removed by ONC from certification criteria

Criteria qualified:                                                                                                                                    CQMs qualified:
        170.315 (a)(1): Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) - Medications
        170.315 (a)(2): CPOE - Laboratory                                                                CMS22: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening      
        170.315 (a)(3): CPOE - Diagnostic Imaging                                                  for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented
        170.315 (a)(4): Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE
        170.315 (a)(5): Demographics                                                                       CMS68: Documentation of Current Medications in 
        170.315 (a)(6): Problem List                             R                                                                  the Medical Record
        170.315 (a)(7): Medication List                        R                                            CMS69: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass 
        170.315 (a)(8): Medication Allergy List           R                                                                 Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan
        170.315 (a)(9): Clinical Decision Support                                                        CMS117: Childhood Immunization Status
        170.315 (a)(10): Drug-Formulary and Preferred Drug List Checks    R
        170.315 (a)(11): Smoking Status                      R                                            CMS122: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor 
        170.315 (a)(12): Family Health History                                                                                 Control (> 9%)
        170.315 (a)(13): Patient-Specific Education Resources      R                      CMS123: Diabetes: Foot Exam
        170.315 (a)(14): Implantable Device List
        170.315 (b)(1): Transitions of Care                                                                  CMS138: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco 
        170.315 (b)(4): Common Clinical Data Set Summary Record - Create     R                   Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention
        170.315 (b)(5): Common Clinical Data Set Summary Record - Receive   R     CMS139: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk
        170.315 (b)(6): Data Export                            R                                                      CMS147: Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza
        170.315 (b)(9): Care Plan   

        170.315 (b)(10): Electronic Health  Information Export  
        170.315 (c)(1): Clinical Quality Measures - Record and Export                                       Immunization
        170.315 (c)(2): Clinical Quality Measures - Import and Calculate                   CMS164: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of 
        170.315 (c)(3): Clinical Quality Measures - Report                                                            Aspirin or Another Antiplatelet
        170.315 (d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization                       CMS165: Controlling High Blood Pressure
        170.315 (d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance
        170.315 (d)(3): Audit Report(s)                                                                       CMS166: Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain
        170.315 (d)(4): Amendments
        170.315 (d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out
        170.315 (d)(6): Emergency Access
        170.315 (d)(7): End-User Device Encryption
        170.315 (d)(8): Integrity
        170.315 (d)(9): Trusted Connection

        170.315 (d)(12): Encrypt authentication credentials

        170.315 (d)(13): Multi-factor authentication
        170.315 (g)(2): Automated Measure Calculation
        170.315 (g)(3): Safety-Enhanced Design
        170.315 (g)(4): Quality Management System
        170.315 (g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design
        170.315 (g)(6): Consolidated CDA Creation
        170.315 (g)(7): Application Access - Patient Selection
        170.315 (g)(9): Application Access - All Data Request

        170.315 (g)(10) Standardized API for Patient and Population Services 
        170.315 (h)(1): Direct Project


       AMA CPT Copyright Notices and Disclaimers:

            CPT copyright 2019 American Medical Association.  All rights reserved.


             Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not                   part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use.  The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or                     dispense medical services.  The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.


            CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.


           CPT copyright 2019 American Medical Association.  All rights reserved.              


           U.S. Government End Users. CPT is commercial technical data, which was developed exclusively

           at private expense by the American Medical Association (AMA), 330 North Wabash Avenue,

           Chicago, Illinois 60611. Use of CPT in connection with this product shall not be construed to grant

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